Week Three: Privacy, IP, governance and ethics

This week was all about Privacy, IP, governance and ethics.

It was interesting to learn that there is more to this subject than what my general knowledge was about this subject. It’s interesting to see how many different areas and how much detail is involved in the world of privacy, IP, etc.

It is fascinating in this day and age to see how our privacy is being exploited and how easy it is to hack, in cases such as the Sony scandal, the leaking of Hilary Clinton’s personal use of her work email while holding the Secretary of State (which has had an effect on her Presidential campaign), the phone hacking scandal which was led by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation and many other cases in the world, it amazes me how much of our privacy is being taken away.

In most cases like the one’s mentioned it can ruin the reputation and also the trust of a consumer, employee or partner.

Digital Ethics I think is one of the most relevant issues we as users are faced with. It relates to what we write on different social media outlets, what we post and also what others post about us.

It is hard today to keep a majority of our lives private with the use of social media, anyone can see what is on the internet about you. With being able to search a persons name through multiple search engines, which makes it easier for employers to do a background search on who they are employing.

Digital Ethics is also about whats users write on different online sources. So many people have different opinions about what is going on in the world, this can get people into a lot of strife because they think they are safe hiding behind their computers. If this comes to light in their workplace it can cause some serious repercussions for the individual.

As users of the web we need to be careful about what we put out there and also the privacy is a huge part in using technology today.

Lindsey Mersey




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